Sunday, September 29, 2013

Homecoming Extravaganza

If you would have asked me 8 years ago if I would ever have imagined taking a class of third graders and ipads to the biggest football game a rural community has ever seen... I would have asked you if you were insane!  Maybe I am insane, or maybe like my father says (I am fearless). I did it.

Two weeks ago a colleague of mine, (another crazy teacher), called me on a Sunday evening.  "Ok, I have this idea, it is either insane, or awesome".... and of course I agreed that it was probably both insane and awesome... Lets do it!  Brian and I got together a devised a plan of attack in which students and their parents would met us at the homecoming parade and the game to video tape, interview, and document the events of Homecoming in a rural community.

What followed this planning, coordinating of high school students, parents, administration, was something that I will remember forever.  Students were engaged, excited...literally skipping across the football field in attempts to video tape or interview a band member or homecoming candidate.  (I won't mention that they were also holding an ipad while skipping). Watching 20 + students with iPads in hand video taping, engaged, and excited to interview patrons of the game was amazing.

Somewhere between, a student of mine weaseling his way through 75 high school students to video tape the homecoming court, or our students turning into the paparazzi with the homecoming queen, I thought we were going to get kicked off the field.  Thankfully, Mr. McDavitt and I were able to round up our ducklings and get them off the field before one of the boys asked to take a candidate home with them! :)

It's moments like this, I love my profession.  It's moments like this, I remember why I chose to do what I do. It's moments like this I will remember forever.  

I cannot wait to continue on this learning journey with my students this year in hopes that we continue thinking 'outside of the box' and make learning come to life for students.

Check out Mr. McDavitt's blog for his view and fabulous post on this experience... (here)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Student Tracker Board

I'm BACK!!  I always knew the beginning of the year was stressful, but I feel that this year my stress level has  hit a new point!  Co -teaching, ipads, new ELA curriclum, Common Core and Math, and a new bunch of kiddos has rendered me insane!!  No not really, lets just say, there are millions of reasons I have been a way for a few weeks but I am glad to be back.

I am happy to report that although I am very stressed out with school, I am very excited for this new year.  The ipad activities are going great and my kids are getting into the swing of third grade.  I can't wait to continue through the school year and watch these kiddos grow into amazing learners!

Ok, now that I have explained why I have been away for so long, I am excited to post on a new project.

In my 8 years of teaching, I typically have the moment where I am calling, calling, calling for a student, only to find out that the students is... in the bathroom, at the nurse... etc.  Having 25,26, or now 27 third graders, it is hard to keep track of all of those bodies.  This board below allows you to quickly assess who is in the room and if students are gone, and where they are.

My inspiration came from pinterest and another great teacher blogger: Second Grade Style


 The Materials: 
1.  Grab a cookie sheet, something cheap... I would suggest a large size.  Be sure it is magnetic.
2. You will also need heavy duty magnets. Something similar to below: 
  You will need enough for the number of students in your class.
3.  Modgepodge 
4. Ribbon
5. Scrapbooking paper, your choice!

The Steps:  

Once you get all your materials, modge podge a piece of scrapbooking paper to your board.  You will notice my board is not a cookie sheet,  I was fortunate that my boyfriend is a welder and was able to cut out a 12 x 12 sheet of metal for me... but like I said this will also work with cookie sheets.  You just may need to use more than one sheet of scrapbooking paper to cover the entire cookie sheet.

If preferred, you can also spray paint your board if you choose, however I troubleshot this and the paint quickly peeled off as the students used it. 

You will want to drill two small holes at the top of your board to string your ribbon through to hang. 

After the paper has been stuck on, take your ribbon and section out your board.  Use modgepodge or hot clue to adhere the ribbon.  Stick on your signs in the appropriate spots.  

Next, take your magnets and place numbers on each magnet.  Place the magnets on your board.  I would suggest using hot glue on your magnets.

The board will need a few minutes to dry and then it should be ready to go for your classroom! 

I would be happy to share my file with the pieces ready to print as needed.  Just comment below.

- Happy Crafting!